
mercoledì 3 ottobre 2012

Chinese Tortellini

It's a week of vacation, relaxation and boredom here in China. Too crowded to go anywhere, I have so much time for studying = I find any ridiculous excuse not to do it. So yesterday me and my friends decide to make some Jiaozi 饺子, meaning chinese dumplings.

                                                                             Here we have Mr and Mrs roommate

So first we made the stuffing

Which is a mix of: pork meat, spinach, corn, mushrooms, and different spices.

And then, of course, we folded them.

First you need to put the right ammount of stuffing inside the "dumplings base"

Then with one finger you have to take a drop of water and put it around half of the perimeter of the dumpling base

Then you'll have to fold it carefully following a precice Chinese method

then...TA-DAH! Dumpling ready to go in your mouth.

Folding this dumpligs reminded me of the time I spent when I was little making Tortellini (Italian dumplings/ravioli. If you need to read this, you should feel sorry for your miserable life) with my grandmother.

So then I thought...why not making tortellini??

                                                      This is more of a tortellone then a tortellino, but whatever

So then I made my own tortellini/tortelloni stuffing using pork meat, mushrooms, onions, tomato sauce, emmenthal cheese (I had no parmigiano...If you excuse me I'll go huddle up in the corner of my room for a second) and garlick. Needless to say, it tasted divine.

We made half and half for a total of 101 dumpligs.

Last step? Eating them of course!

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