
sabato 22 dicembre 2012

Hong Kong, day 2

The second day started with a stroll in kowloon by day. Definetly lees impressive than at night, still cool. Also I noticed all the shops were closed. Apparently Hong Kong people prefer to do their shopping late at night  

 In a public park, some statues of cartoon heroes. Gotta love Asia!

 Nathan streets and Kowloon during the day. Being the most densly populated city in the world, there's practically no space and all the shops need neon lights to attract costumers. At night it's just so awesome to walk aorund the narrow streets!

 In north Kowloon I found a animal market area which was really interesting!

 I'd like a Tucan please!

 Little parentesis on the dude below, which deserve to be on the blog because he actually helped me instead of trying on me. And it was quite cool because he was speaking with me in English, but someway I felt more confident speaking with him in Mandarin (which not all people speak in Hong Kong, Cantonese speaking city) Cheers dude, I now have new faith in the world. You'll always be in my hearth.

 Fish market!!!

what is that turtle hunting?

 If you can't find it in Hong Kong, it probably doesn't exist

 And now we get to the cute part. This little basterds were sold for just a few hundread pounds...I WANT THEM ALL

 Someone's confused here...for more info:

Then I moved back to HK Island to retrive my documents and stroll around

 Eagles on the water

This is the green in the city I was taking about in day one

 HK Island is SO posh

 3 girls and a pigeon looking at photos

 This is the longest escalator in the world, it runs on the outside and it takes you up the hill, while on the right and left you can see and choose which bar/club you are going to visit that night. Pretty cool.

 Live music inside a bar...

 ...and a predator looking outside the window

 After that I wanted to go on Victoria Peak taking the old tram to admire the Hong Kong Skyline...too bad it ended up being too foggy to see anything that night...

 But I had a nice dinner at the peak!

 So then I decided to go back to Nathan street in Kowloon for some mid-night shopping

 And this nerd paradise is where I spent all my money....

And up these stairs there was such a romantic lane full of fun restaurants and stuff

And there was also a giant moving pig with wings, of course

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